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AI in Media

For or Against AI – Can we Reframe the Question?

“Are you for or against AI?”

Though simple, those six words expose the problem we face with our current AI discourse (or almost anything else these days). We’re asked to reduce complex concepts into sound bites and remove all the details that are essential in understanding the issues.

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AI in Media

What Does ChatGPT Know, Exactly?

Well, let’s dive right in: ChatGPT (which is based on GPT-3, which is based on GPT-2 and so on) is a chatbot from OpenAI that can interact with users and hold a conversation quite naturally. But what does it really do?

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AI in Media

AI in Media – How to Handle the Hysterics?

I was recently asked to give a talk on how AI is portrayed in fiction and news media, and as I scanned article after article, one thing became clear: AI algorithms (that is, lines of code) were anthropomorphized to an alarming extent.

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Author Journey

So, What’s Your Book About?

Imagine you’re at a dinner party and you hear someone approach an author and ask: “So what’s your book about?” 

It’s an innocuous enough question. And no, that person is not trying to get the author.

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Author Journey

Trilogies: Beginnings, Middles, and Ends

When you’re halfway through a book, have you ever wondered what would be the best ending? 

The resolution of the plot? The characters reaching their goals? The characters finding some peace? The antagonist receiving their comeuppance? A positive change in the world? 

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