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Forged Wings

Accepted! - What Every Author Wants to Hear

How did we get here?

Well, I had a story idea. No, not a story idea, more like musings about how two old friends on opposite sides of a divide would interact if they only saw each other once a year. How far would they drift in 364 days? Can they spring together, fly away, and spring back again to intertwine their lives like a strand of DNA? Or would they just drift away like two balloons caught in their own updrafts? After that simple idea got tangled up with apocalypse, Purged Souls was born.

But that’s not how we got here. Because little did I know that the hard work starts after the publisher says “Accepted …”

(Though to be honest, I’m not going to minimize the impact of receiving an email with the subject line “Accepted Book Submission: …” Sure, there were a lot of steps after that, including questionnaires and discussions and goals and this and that, but yeah, the only word that stuck was “accepted.”)

Anyhow, multiple edits later, Purged Souls is waiting its turn.

Me? I’m running down an author checklist that seems more appropriate for a space shuttle launch than a book launch. And one of the items on that list is to make sure this website is up and running, along with a first post that says “hello world!”

Well, turns out I had a little more to say, but what did you expect? I just finished a 120,000-word novel. What’s another few hundred words among friends?

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