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Forged Wings

False Alarm - Adventures in Publishing

Well, that didn’t go according to plan.

It took me a while to be able to write about this, but as we’re approaching the initial launch date of Purged Souls, I figured it was time. So, you might have noticed my first novel is not coming out.

What happened is that I’m now part of the small set of writers who got offered a publishing contract, signed it, got the process started, and then fell OUT of contract. Yay me!

Without getting into details, due to some personnel shuffles at the publisher (who shall remain anonymous), my main character was no longer welcome. Her edgy actions and questionable ethics had to change, which would have made her, well not her.

So the bad news is I’m back to square one.

The good news is I learned a lot about marketing and contracts, set up a website, got on twitter, and had the manuscript professionally edited.

So I guess I’m on square four, not one, and I’ll count this whole experience a solid win.

Yeah, I will. Really.

Yep. A win.


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